
Raidboss Triggers Overview

[English] [简体中文]

Trigger Guidelines

As a rule, cactbot defaults to text alarms with a small number of default sounds over custom sounds and tts. This is because there is a clearer mental separation between visual text for triggers and audio of voice comms. This separation is easier to process than mixing the audio of voice comms and tts together. This design choice isn’t for everybody, especially those used to tts (which is an option). However, text triggers will always be the default. Give it a try.

As it’s easier to disable triggers than to write triggers, cactbot also tends to be slightly noisier than most people prefer.

Trigger Severity

Here’s the general guidelines for how cactbot has triggers. You can use these when adding new triggers for raids. As always, try to be consistent with the surrounding code.

Another consideration for trigger severity is to make them contextually useful. For example, if you may get selected for one of two mechanics, it’s preferable to have one mechanic be info and the other alert (or one alert and the other alarm) so that it is obvious from the noise which mechanic you have.

A final consideration is to not overload the player with too many of the same types of message. If every trigger is an alert, it’s probably better to change some of them to be info. Having different sounds helps create a “rhythm” for the fight. This is especially true for simultaneous alerts.

Try not to have more than two triggers on screen at once, and try not to have them be the same type (e.g. two alert texts) to avoid visual clutter.

Trigger Text

Here’s some general guidelines for the text in triggers. The goal for trigger text is to mimic what a human raidcaller would say. It should minimize the amount of that the player has to think to do a mechanic.

Strat-specific options

If a fight does have strat-specific options, the way to handle this is to add a config section to the trigger set. This will create options in the cactbot config UI that will appear at the top of each raidboss file section.

By default, you should not pick a particular strategy if there are multiple.

See: P12S for an example of many different tower and classical concept options.

TODO: update this guide to explain the structure of the config section better

Trigger Implementation Guidelines for Developers

This is just a grab bag of miscellaneous thoughts about triggers.

File Structure

Each trigger file is a TypeScript module that exports a single trigger set.

See: trigger.d.ts for more details.

import ZoneId from '../path/to/resources/zone_id';
// Other imports here.

export default {
  id: 'TheWeaponsRefrainUltimate',
  zoneId: ZoneId.TheWeaponsRefrainUltimate,
  zoneLabel: {
    en: 'The Weapon\'s Refrain (Ultimate)',
  loadConfigs: ['TheUnendingCoilOfBahamutUltimate'],
  config: [
      id: 'someOptionId',
      comment: {
        en: 'This text will show up in the cactbot config ui to explain this to users.',
      name: {
        en: 'Turn on Fancy Option',
      type: 'checkbox',
      default: false,
  resetWhenOutOfCombat: true,
  overrideTimelineFile: false,
  timelineFile: 'filename.txt',
  timeline: `hideall "Reset"`,
  timelineReplace: [
     locale: 'en',
     replaceText: {
      'regexSearch': 'strReplace',
     replaceSync: {
      'regexSearch': 'strReplace',
  timelineTriggers: [
    { /* ..trigger 1.. */ },
    { /* ..trigger 2.. */ },
    { /* ..trigger 3.. */ }
  triggers: [
    { /* ..trigger 1.. */ },
    { /* ..trigger 2.. */ },
    { /* ..trigger 3.. */ },

Trigger Set Properties

id A unique string to identify this trigger set. This value should be unique among all trigger sets. For cactbot triggers, this should exactly match the ZoneId itself for consistency. If there are multiple zones, then pick a reasonable string, e.g. 'EurekaOrthosGeneral' for the set that applies to all Eureka Orthos floors.

zoneId A shortened name for the zone to use these triggers in. The set of id names can be found in zone_id.ts. Prefer using this over zoneRegex. A trigger set must have one of zoneId or zoneRegex to specify the zone (but not both).

zoneLabel An optional name to use for this trigger set in the configuration interface. Overrides the zone name from zone_info.ts.

initData A function that can be used to initialize the data this trigger set uses. It should return an object that sets values for any fields in data that need to be initialized. This function is called any time the fight is reset, mainly on zone change or wipe. See t1.ts for an example implementation.

zoneRegex (deprecated) A regular expression that matches against the zone name (coming from ACT). If the regular expression matches, then the triggers will apply to that zone.

For players in CN/KR, zone names can be Chinese/Korean, though other players always see English. Your Regex should cover them. The current zone name can be found on title or main UI of ACT.

config An array of ConfigEntry objects. Each object is an option exposed to the user in the cactbot config UI. See: user_config.ts for more details. This is the same format the config ui uses, exposed into a trigger set. These are exposed via data.triggerSet.optionName where optionName is the id from the ConfigEntry.

loadConfigs An array of strings, which correspond to trigger set ids.

By default, not all config values from all files are available in data.triggerSet. The current file is always loaded. If you need to load the config options from another file, you can specify the id from the other trigger set.

overrideTimelineFile An optional boolean value that specifies that the timelineFile and timeline specified in this trigger set override all timelines previously found. This is a way to replace timelines in user files and is not used inside cactbot itself.

timelineFile An optional timeline file to load for this zone. Timeline files in cactbot should be named the same as the .ts file they come from, but with a .txt extension instead. These files live alongside their parent trigger file in the appropriate folder. (As for example raidboss/data/04-sb/raid/).

timeline Optional extra lines to include as part of the timeline. The value may be a string or an array of strings, or a function(data) that returns string or an array of strings, or an array contains different kinds of items above.

There is a complete example that uses the timeline property in test.ts.

replaceText Key:value pairs to search and replace in timeline ability names. The display name for that ability is changed, but all hideall, infotext, alerttext, alarmtext, etc all refer to the original name. This enables translation/localization of the timeline files without having to edit those files directly.

replaceSync Key:value pairs to search and replace in timeline file sync expressions. Necessary if localized names differ in the sync regexes.

resetWhenOutOfCombat Boolean, defaults to true. If true, timelines and triggers will reset automatically when the game is out of combat. Otherwise it’s necessary to manually call data.StopCombat(). This is used for sections where you want the timeline to keep running if you’re not in combat, such as in Bozja or in Phantom Train where sometimes combat stops between train cars.

triggers / timelineTriggers

An array of raidboss triggers. See below for the structure.

Timeline triggers (whose regex matches timeline text) are in their own section.

Trigger Structure

  id: 'id string',
  type: 'StartsUsing',
  disabled: false,
  // Note: see `NetFields` from [net_fields.d.ts](
  // Note: `netRegex: NetRegexes({ id: 'some-id', source: 'some-name' })` is still supported for backwards compatibility.
  netRegex: { id: 'some-id', source: 'some-name' },
  // Note: prefer to use the regex helpers from [regexes.ts](
  regex: Regexes.ability({ id: 'some-id', source: 'some-name' }),
  condition: function(data, matches, output) { return true if it should run },
  preRun: function(data, matches, output) { do stuff.. },
  delaySeconds: 0,
  durationSeconds: 3,
  suppressSeconds: 0,
  promise: function(data, matches, output) { return promise to wait for resolution of },
  sound: '',
  soundVolume: 1,
  response: Responses.doSomething(severity),
  alarmText: {en: 'Alarm Popup'},
  alertText: {en: 'Alert Popup'},
  infoText: {en: 'Info Popup'},
  tts: {en: 'TTS text'},
  run: function(data, matches, output) { do stuff.. },
  outputStrings: {
    key1: { en: 'output1 ${value}'},
    key2: { en: 'output2 ${value}'},
  comment: { en: 'comment text' },

data, matches, output

Almost all trigger fields can either return a value or a function(data, matches, output). For such functions:

Trigger Properties

id string An id string for the trigger. Every built-in trigger in cactbot has a unique id, and it is recommended but not required that user triggers also have them.

Trigger ids must be unique. If a trigger is found with the same id as a previous trigger, then the first trigger will be skipped entirely and the second trigger will override it and take its place. This allows easier for copying and pasting of triggers into user overrides for edits. Triggers without ids cannot be overridden.

The current structure for Regexes/NetRegexes does not require that the ability/effect/whatever name be present as part of the expression. Because of this, it is extremely important that that information is somewhere close by. Recommended practice is either to have the effect/ability/NPC name in the trigger ID itself, or in an explanatory comment alongside. Context solely from the trigger body is not necessarily sufficient! (As with the id, only triggers intended for the cactbot repository must have this information.)

disabled: false If this is true, the trigger is completely disabled and ignored. Defaults to false.

netRegex / regex The regular expression cactbot will run against each log line to determine whether the trigger will activate. The netRegex version matches against network log lines, while the regex version matches against parsed ACT log lines.

More commonly, however, a regex replacement is used instead of a bare regex. Helper functions defined in regexes.ts and in netregexes.ts take the parameters that would otherwise be extracted via match groups. From here, the functions automatically construct the regex that should be matched against. Unsurprisingly, for netRegex use the NetRegexes helper and for regex use the Regexes helper.

regex and netRegex lines are auto-translated using the timelineReplace section.

condition: function(data, matches, output) Activates the trigger if the function returns true. If it does not return true, nothing is shown/sounded/run. If multiple functions are present on the trigger, this has first priority to run. (Pre-made “canned” conditions are available within conditions.ts. Generally speaking it’s best to use one of these if it fits the situation.)

preRun: function(data, matches, output) If the trigger activates, the function will run as the first action after the activation condition is met.

delaySeconds An amount of time, in seconds, to wait from the time the regex match is detected until the trigger activates. May be a number or a function(data, matches, output) that returns a number. This runs after preRun and before the promise.

promise: function(data, matches, output) If present and a function which returns a promise, will wait for promise to resolve before continuing with trigger. This runs after the delay from delaySeconds.

durationSeconds Time, in seconds, to display the trigger text. May be a number or a function(data, matches, output) that returns a number. If not specified, defaults to 3.

suppressSeconds Time to wait, in seconds, before showing this trigger again. May be a number or a function(data, matches, output). The time to wait begins at the time of the initial regex match and is unaffected by presence or absence of a delaySeconds value. Once a trigger with this element activates, it will not activate again until after its timeout period is over.

sound Sound file to play, or one of ‘Info’, ‘Alert’, ‘Alarm’, or ‘Long’. Paths to sound files are relative to the ui/raidboss/ directory.

soundVolume Volume between 0 and 1 to play the sound associated with the trigger.

response A way to return infoText/alertText/alarmText/tts all from a single entrypoint. Also used by resources/responses.ts. Response has less priority than an explicitly specified text or tts, and so can be overridden. (As with regex and condition, “canned” responses are available within responses.ts.)

alarmText Displays a text popup with Alarm importance when the trigger activates. This is for high-priority events where failure is guaranteed to kill you, is likely to wipe the encounter, or will otherwise make successful completion much more difficult. (Examples include Allagan Rot in T2, Cursed Shriek in T7, or Ultros’ Stoneskin cast in O7s.) May be a string or a function(data, matches, output) that returns a string.

alertText Displays a text popup with Alert importance when the trigger activates. This is for medium-priority events that might kill you, or inflict party-wide damage/debuffs. (For example, warning the main tank that a buster is incoming, or warning the entire party of an upcoming knockback.) May be a string or a function(data, matches, output) that returns a string.

infoText Displays a text popup with Info importance when the trigger activates. This is for low-priority events that will be merely annoying if not attended to immediately. (For example, warning of an add spawn, or informing healers of incoming raid damage.) May be a string or a function(data, matches, output) that returns a string.

tts An alternative text string for the chosen TTS option to use for callouts. This can be a localized object just like the text popups. If this is set, but there is no key matching your current language, Raidboss will default to the text from the text popups.

For example, consider this configuration:

  infoText: {
    en: 'Tank Buster',
    de: 'AoE',
    fr: 'Cleave',
  tts: {
    de: 'Spread',

If your language is en, you will receive the Tank Buster message. If your language is de, you will receive the Spread message.

run: function(data, matches, output) If the trigger activates, the function will run as the last action before the trigger ends.

outputStrings outputStrings is an optional indirection so that cactbot can provide customizable UI for overriding trigger strings. If you are writing your own triggers, you don’t need to use this, and you can just return strings directly from output functions like alarmText, alertText, infoText, etc.

The outputStrings field is an object mapping outputStrings keys to translatable objects. These translatable objects should have a string entry per language. In the string, you can use ${param} constructions to allow for functions to pass variables in.

Here are two example outputStrings entries for a tank buster:

outputStrings: {
  noTarget: {
    en: 'Tank Buster',
    de: 'Tank buster',
    fr: 'Tank buster',
    ja: 'タンクバスター',
    cn: '坦克死刑',
    ko: '탱버',
  onTarget: {
    en: 'Tank Buster on ${name}',
    de: 'Tank buster auf ${name}',
    fr: 'Tank buster sur ${name}',
    ja: '${name}にタンクバスター',
    cn: '死刑 点 ${name}',
    ko: '"${name}" 탱버',

noTarget and onTarget are the two keys for the outputStrings.

Here’s an example using these outputStrings, passing parameters to the onTarget version:

alarmText: (data, matches, output) => {
  return output.onTarget!({ name: });

Calling output.onTarget() finds the string in outputStrings.onTarget for the current language. For each param passed in, it replaces ${param} in the string with the value. Then it returns the replaced string for alarmText to use.

Instead of passing a name into any trigger, always use to pass a player object instead. This allows the “use job names instead of player names” option to work. You can always pass any array (of strings or of player objects) as a parameter and the result will be a list with commas, e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'] => 'a, b, c'.

Similarly, this is another trigger example, without any parameters.

infoText: (data, matches, output) => {
  return output.noTarget!();

Triggers that use response with outputStrings are slightly different. outputStrings should not be set on the trigger itself, and instead response should return a function that calls output.responseOutputStrings = {}; where {} is the outputStrings object you would have returned from the trigger outputStrings field. This is a bit awkward, but allows response to both return and use outputStrings, and keeps resources/responses.ts more encapsulated.

For example:

response: (data, matches, output) => {
  output.responseOutputStrings = { text: { en: 'Some Text: ${words}' } };
  return {
    alarmText: output.text!({ words: 'words word words' }),

comment An object where keys represent optional strings in various languages. This property is an optional auxiliary attribute used to display text around the trigger item in the cactbot configuration panel. You can use it to explain your trigger, leave some descriptive text, or even include a hyperlink.


comment: {
  en: `Write your annotation text here. <em>Supports HTML tags</em>`,

Miscellaneous Trigger Info

Any field that can return a function (e.g. infoText, alertText, alarmText, tts) can also return a localized object, e.g. instead of returning ‘Get Out’, they can return {en: ‘Get Out’, fr: ‘something french’} instead. Fields can also return a function that return a localized object as well. If the current locale does not exist in the object, the ‘en’ result will be returned.

If multiple triggers match the same log line, they will be executed sequentially based on their order in the relevant zone file.

Trigger elements are evaluated in this order, and must be listed in this order:

Regular Expression Extensions

If you’re familiar with regular expressions, you’ll note the the \y{Name} and \y{AbilityCode} are unfamiliar. These are extensions provided by cactbot for convenience to avoid having to match against all possible unicode characters or to know the details of how the FFXIV ACT plugin writes things.

The set of extensions are:

Canned Helper Functions

In order to unify trigger construction and reduce the manual burden of translation, cactbot makes widespread use of “canned” trigger elements. Use of these helpers makes automated testing significantly easier, and allows humans to catch errors and inconsistencies more easily when reviewing pull requests.

Currently, three separate elements have pre-made structures defined: Condition, Regex, NetRegex, and Response. Condition functions take no arguments. Almost all Response functions take one optional argument, severity, used to determine what level of popup text to display to the user when the trigger activates. Regex(NetRegex) functions can take several arguments (gainsEffect() is a good example) depending on which log line is being matched against, but generally a contributor would include the source, (name of the caster/user of the ability to match,) the id, (the hex ability ID, such as 2478,) and whether or not the regex should capture the matches (capture: false.) Regex(NetRegex) functions capture by default, but standard practice is to specify non-capturing unless a trigger element requires captures.

A sample trigger that makes use of all these elements:

  id: 'TEA Mega Holy Modified',
  type: 'StartsUsing',
  netRegex: { source: 'Alexander Prime', id: '4A83', capture: false },
  condition: Conditions.caresAboutMagical(),
  response: Responses.bigAoe('alert'),

This is far less verbose than:

  id: 'TEA Mega Holy Modified',
  netRegex: /^(?:20)\|(?:[^|]*)\|(?:[^|]*)\|(?:Alexander Prime)\|(?:4A83)\|/i,
  condition: function(data) {
    return data.role == 'tank' || data.role == 'healer' || data.CanAddle();
  alertText: {
    en: 'big aoe!',
    de: 'Große AoE!',
    fr: 'Grosse AoE !',
    ja: '大ダメージAoE',
    cn: '大AoE伤害!',
    ko: '강한 전체 공격!',

Use of bare regexes is deprecated. Always use the appropriate canned function unless there is a very specific reason not to. Attempting to use a bare regex will cause a build failure when the pull request is submitted. If a bare regex must be used for whatever reason (if, say, a new log line is added to ACT,) pull requests to update regexes.ts are strongly encouraged.

(Note that if you are writing triggers for just your personal use, you are free to do what you want. This deprecation applies only to work intended for the cactbot repository.)

Use of canned conditions and responses is recommended where possible, although given Square’s extremely talented fight design team, it’s not always going to be possible.


In order to reduce duplications across trigger sets, cactbot has a set of locale strings that includes text repeatedly used by triggers. When writing triggers, prefer using Outputs if possible to avoid duplication.

A simple example using outputStrings and Outputs as below:

  id: 'E9S Zero-Form Devouring Dark',
  type: 'StartsUsing',
  netRegex: { id: '5623', source: 'Cloud Of Darkness' },
  durationSeconds: 4,
  alertText: function(data, matches, output) {
    if ( ===
      return output.tankBusterOnYou();

    if (data.role === 'tank')
      return output.tankSwap();

    if (data.role === 'healer')
      return output.tankBusters({ player: });
  infoText: function(data, _matches, output) {
    if (data.role !== 'tank' && data.role !== 'healer')
      return output.avoidLaser();
  outputStrings: {
    tankBusterOnYou: Outputs.tankBusterOnYou,
    tankBusters: Outputs.tankBusters,
    tankSwap: Outputs.tankSwap,
    avoidLaser: {
      en: 'Avoid Laser',
      de: 'Laser ausweichen',
      fr: 'Évitez le laser',
      ja: 'レーザー注意',
      cn: '躲避击退激光',
      ko: '레이저 피하기',

Timeline Info

The trigger subfolders may contain timeline text files in the format defined by ACT Timeline plugin, which described in here:

Each timeline file Cactbot uses has to be loaded by a relative directory reference from the given [TRIGGER-FILE].js. Typically the filename for the timeline file will match the name of the trigger file, and for specific encounters the filenames should at least loosely match the zone name.

Cactbot implements some extensions to the original format. These extensions can appear in the file itself or in the timeline field in the triggers. That said, generally these aren’t used and timeline triggers are written instead.

infotext “event name” before 1 Show a info-priority text popup on screen before an event will occur. The event name matches a timed event in the file and will be shown before each occurrence of events with that name. By default the name of the event will be shown, but you may specify the text to be shown at the end of the line if it should be different. The before parameter must be present, but can be 0 if the text should be shown at the same time the event happens. Negative values can be used to show the text after the event.

Example infotext which shows the event name 1s before the event happens infotext "event name" before 1

Example infotext which specifies different text to be shown earlier infotext "event name" before 2.3 "alternate text"

Example alert-priority popups using the same parameters alerttext "event name" before 1 alerttext "event name" before 2.3 "alternate text"

Example alarm-priority popups using the same parameters alarmtext "event name" before 1 alarmtext "event name" before 2.3 "alternate text"

Translation Overview

This section mostly applies to raidboss (and so is in this document), but the parts about code translation apply to all parts of cactbot.

Most cactbot developers play FFXIV in English, and so any PRs to translate anything missing is much appreciated. If you need help using github or git, please ask.

Running npm run coverage-report will generate the cactbot coverage report, which can be found online here.

This report includes links to all of the missing translations:

You can run npm run util and select find translations using the ui. You can also run npm run util -- findTranslations -f . -l fr (or -l de or -l cn etc) if you don’t want to select options manually. This script generates the same information that the online version has.

These reports have several different categories of errors:

Code Translations

Most bits of code in cactbot use LocaleText for any piece of text that needs to be translated.

This ends up looking like an object with keys for each language, in the order en, de, fr, ja, cn, ko. Tests will complain if you put them in a different order. This order is “English first”, then “alphabetical for the international version”, and finally “alphabetical for the other regional versions”. English is always required.

Here’s an example, where the missing translation report for Japanese says this: ui/oopsyraidsy/data/06-ew/raid/p4n.ts:78 [code] text: {. The text: { part of the line is the beginning of the code that is missing the translation. The html report links above have links to the code directly.

This example corresponds to code like this:

          text: {
            en: 'DPS Tower',
            de: 'DD-Turm',
            fr: 'Tour DPS',
            cn: 'DPS塔',
            ko: '딜러 장판',

As you can see, this object is missing the ja key and needs somebody to add it in.

Raidboss Translations

For sync and text errors, these must be fixed using the (now poorly named) timelineReplace section. (Once upon a time, this was only for timeline translations. Now it also handles trigger netRegex and regex translations as well. However, for backwards compatibility it’s still called timelineReplace.)

It looks something like this:

      'locale': 'fr',
      'replaceSync': {
        'Kokytos\'s Echo': 'spectre de Cocyte',
        'Kokytos(?!\')': 'Cocyte',
        // etc
      'replaceText': {
        'Aero IV': 'Giga Vent',
        'Archaic Demolish': 'Démolition archaïque',
        // etc

The replaceSync section applies to sync /etc/ parts of lines in the timeline file, as well as any fields in netRegex lines in the trigger file. The replaceText section only applies to the "Text" part of lines in the timeline file. All matches are case insensitive.

Internally, cactbot takes the timelineReplace section and applies it (logically) like this, so that timelines and triggers will work in French:

# p9s.txt timeline file
-168.7 "Archaic Demolish" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Kokytos:816D:/
+168.7 "Démolition archaïque" sync / 1[56]:[^:]*:Cocyte:816D:/
     // p9s.ts trigger file
       id: 'P9S Archaic Demolish',
       type: 'StartsUsing',
-      netRegex: { id: '816D', source: 'Kokytos', capture: false },
+      netRegex: { id: '816D', source: 'Cocyte', capture: false },
       alertText: (_data, _matches, output) => output.healerGroups!(),
       outputStrings: {
         healerGroups: Outputs.healerGroups,

Common Replacements

To avoid having to repeat common translations, the common_replacement.ts file has a export const commonReplacement variable with common replaceSync and replaceText entries that are implicitly added to all raidboss trigger sets.

There is no need to repeat these entries (and npm run test will give you an error if you try to.)


One important part of translations is that there is NO guaranteed ordering of how entries in the replaceSync and replaceText sections are applied. The reason for this is that it makes it conceptually easier to review a translation section as for any given substring of text, at most one entry will apply to it.

To make this possible, there’s a bunch of “collision” tests in cactbot to make sure that translation entries don’t collide and try to translate the same piece of text differently. These tests are probably a great source of frustration to people writing translations, but it prevents a lot of bugs.

If you have translations but get stuck on errors, please upload your translation PR with errors and ask for help.

Pre-translation Collision

One error that npm run test might give you is a “pre-translation collision”. This means that two entries in the replaceSync or replaceText section both apply to the same text AND cannot be applied in either order.

Here’s a p9s example again, slightly modified.

      'locale': 'fr',
      'replaceSync': {
        'Kokytos\'s Echo': 'spectre de Cocyte',
        'Kokytos': 'Cocyte',
        // etc

Let’s say we’re trying to translate Kokytos's Echo. Both of these entries match, so there’s two orders that these two translations could apply. We can replace Kokytos and then Kokytos's Echo or vice versa.

If we apply Kokytos's Echo first, then Kokytos's Echo becomes spectre de Cocyte, and then the Kokytos translation no longer applies. This is a correct translation. However, if we apply Kokytos first, then Kokytos's Echo becomes Cocyte's Echo, and then the Kokytos's Echo translation no longer applies, but this is wrong!

You can see here that applying these translations in different orders produces different results, which is why there’s a pre-collision test error.

The way to fix this is to use regular expression “negative lookahead” (?!text) or “negative lookbehind” (?<!text) to say that an entry only matches strings that are not preceeded or following a particular piece of text. See this link for more details.

In this case, you can change 'Kokytos' to 'Kokytos(?!\')'. This regex says “match Kokytos, but not if there is an apostrophe afterwards”. By doing this, there is no longer an ordering dependency.

One side note, is that it is possible to have multiple translations apply to the same text without collision. For example, if you have Front / Back and a separate translation for Front and one for Back, then it does not matter which order you apply those translations in, because you will end up with the same result. In this case, there is no pre-translation collision.

Post-translation Collision

A post-translation collision is one where after one translation entry has been applied, then another (possibly the same) translation entry can suddenly apply to the new translated text. This is another ordering dependency that we want to avoid. This is generally more rare, because it often means that a non-English translation matches an English word or the same translation applies multiple times.

Here’s a partially made-up example of a post-translation collision.

      'locale': 'de',
      'replaceText': {
        'Time Explosion': 'Zeiteruption',
        'Eruption': 'Ausbruch',

Once Time Explosion is translated Zeiteruption, then the Eruption translation can now apply to it, turning it into the incorrect ZeitAusbruch. (Remember that all matches are case insensitive.) This collision could be fixed by making it '(?<!t)Eruption': 'Ausbruch', in other words Eruption that is not preceded by the letter t.

Here’s one example of a potential post-translation collision of a trigger with itself: 'Bomb': 'Bombe'. Bomb re-matches the translated version Bombe, and so needs to be 'Bomb(?!e)': 'Bombe' instead. It is true that translations are only applied once, but this is still considered a post-translation error.

One side note here is that 'Ultima': 'Ultima' looks like a post-translation collision, however there’s a special case for a “translation” that doesn’t do anything. The reason these kinds of “do nothing” translations exist are to mark these texts as “having been translated” and so they are not collected by the find missing translation script.

missingTranslations field

The timelineReplace section also has a missingTranslations field, which defaults to false. If a particular section exists and it does not have all translations, this field needs to be set to true (and npm run test will complain if not). This often happens when somebody adds additional lines to the timeline or additional triggers with new combatants that are not translated. This is an indicator to translators that work needs to be done here.

The other reason for this is once a fight has reached a point of being completedly translated for a language, and somebody adds a typo in a text or a sync, the tests will catch that error because it expects that there are no missing translations for that language.

It is not an npm run test error to have missingTranslations: true when it is not needed, but this error will show up in the find missing translations script and should be cleaned up if possible.

Missing translations are listed on the coverage page by language.


Here’s a brief aside on escaping special characters, with some examples.

All replaceSync and replaceText keys are strings that are parsed via new RegExp(regexString, 'gi'). The awkwardness is that replaceSync is used to match both syncs inside of a timeline as well as parameters in triggers. Unfortunately, timelines are treated as literal text but triggers get one layer of parsing applied to them because they are code. To say this differently, if you want to match sync /Pand\u00e6monium/ in a timeline, you need to write a regex that matches the string 'Pand\\u00e6monium'. If you want to match netRegex: { source: 'Pand\u00e6monium' }, you need to write a regex that matches the string 'Pand\u00e6monium' or 'Pandæmonium' (they are equivalent).

(Sorry, this is somewhat of a not great situation.)

If there is a timeline text such as Harrowing Hell (cast) and you want to replace the cast part, you will need a timelineText entry like \\(cast\\). One baskslash is to regex-escape the ( so it is treated like a literal parenthesis and the second backslash is to string-escape the first \ so it beomces a literal backslash.

A second example, the p10s key 'Pand\\\\u00e6monium' has four backslashes. This is two sets of string-escaped backslashes, '\\' + '\\'. When parsed through new RegExp('Pand\\\\u00e6monium'), this becomes a single regex-escaped backslash, /Pand\\u00e6monium/. In other words, match Pand and then a literal backslash with u00e6 and then monium.

A final example is the awkward case '724P-Operated Superior Flight Unit \\\\\\(A-Lpha\\\\\\)'. ( is a special regex character and so if we want to match a literal \( in text we need \\\\ for the backslash and \\ to escape the ( from being treated as regex. This becomes the regex /724P-Operated Superior Flight Unit \\\(A-Lpha\\\)/.

On the positive side, this only comes up when there are special characters that need to be escaped in a string or a regex (e.g. backslash, parens, brackets) which are all fairly rare in FFXIV.

Sync Files

There are a couple of cases in FFXIV where the content is literally identical across different zones, but with different ability ids. These are for criterion dungeons vs their savage equivalent, as well as extreme trials and their unreal equivalent.

The best way to handle these is to add an entry into util/sync_files.ts with file and ability ids mappings. This can be run via npm run sync-files which will create the new files with those mappings. If you don’t have ids, you can use TODO. (Sometimes this may cause typescript errors, so you can use TODO1 or TODO2 etc if you need unique ids.)

By using this script, you will make sure that the files stay in sync.

Trigger Examples

Here’s a few examples of common patterns for triggers.

Collect / Call / Cleanup multi-trigger

For triggers where there are multiple lines you need to look at, a common pattern is the collect/call/cleanup pattern. One collecting trigger collects all the lines and stores it on data. Another call trigger uses the same netRegex with a delaySeconds + suppressSeconds to make the call using that data. One final cleanup trigger uses the same netRegex with a larger delaySeconds + (optional) suppressSeconds to erase the collected information on data.

Often the cleanup is combined into the call, or is put onto phase transitions or other triggers.

Collect / Call / Cleanup single trigger

It’s possible to have a single trigger do collect/call/cleanup.

See: AAI Ketuduke Foamy Fetters Bubble Weave

delaySeconds does the collecting. As long as the delay is greater than zero this will work, but you can optionally set a delay to zero once you have collected everything you need so that it goes off as soon as possible.

alertText does the call. Rather than using suppressSeconds (which would prevent collection), it checks if there’s anything that’s been collected and quits if cleanup has occurred.

Doing the cleanup in run means that as soon as the first trigger finishes and cleans up, the remaining delayed versions of this trigger will all early out in alertText.


For writing triggers for Headmarker lines (i.e. graphic indicators on players and enemies), see the Headmarker Guide.

Get Combatants

One thing to keep in mind while writing triggers is that some log lines have information that comes from memory rather than network data. For AddCombatant, this means that when the log line gets emitted may drift in time somewhat. For other ffxiv plugin log lines that have position data, (such as StartsUsing or AddCombatant) this also means that the position data might be stale. The reason for this is that many times ffxiv will spawn in an invisible actor in a default location, and then move it right before it starts casting. Whether or not the ffxiv plugin picks up the correct location is timing dependent.

Note: Ability seems to be mostly correct. Note: StartsuUsingExtra is network data, so is always correct.

A way to fix is this is to use getCombatants, aka callOverlayHandler({ call: 'getCombatants', etc }). This is an OverlayPlugin function that will inspect the state of memory at that moment and then return the current values. You can use CombatantMemory lines which emit changing position data for combatants to get an idea of when actors have updated and it is safe to call getCombatants. CombatantMemory (as the name implies) does come from memory and so may be slightly delayed.

See: P10S Dividing Wings Tether

Some common suggestions:

Two-step Mechanics

A common multi-step example is when there is a stack into a spread or a spread into a stack. It’s nice to call Spread => Stack and then once the spreads go off call Stack after that. It’s both a reminder (for people lost in the sauce) but if the second call triggers on the first damage, it can tell people when it it safe to start moving and the initial mechanic has locked in.

See: AAI Ketuduke Hydro Buff Double and AAI Ketuduke Hydro Buff Double Followup

Three-step Mechanics

There are a few three (or more)-step mechanics in the game that have a sequence of moves to do. Quintuplecast, P12S door boss wings, and Another Mount Rokkon Triple Kasumi-giri are all examples.

A common way to call these mechanics that have tells is something like the following, where “first”, “second”, “third” could all be things like “spread” or “left” or “swap”.

The benefits of this are:

See: P12S First Wing, P12S Wing Collect, P12S Wing Followup

See also: AMR Moko Triple Kasumi-giri triggers